The Nature of Waves: Interaction of Waves

4th Grade - 11th Grade
The Nature of Waves: Interaction of Waves
Visual Learning Systems
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Science Resource Description

Upon viewing the The Nature of Waves video series, students will be able to do the following:Define waves as traveling disturbances that carry energy through matter or space.Explain that waves do not actually move matter. Instead, waves flow through matter or create a disturbance in it.Understand that energy, often in the form of vibrations, is necessary to produce waves.Define a medium as a substance, or matter through which a wave travels.Provide examples of waves traveling through the following mediums: solids, liquids, and gases (air).Sketch a simple diagram of a transverse wave.Describe how the particles in a transverse wave move across or perpendicular to the direction the wave is traveling.Explain how the particles in a longitudinal wave vibrate back and forth, parallel to the direction the wave is moving.Cite examples of transverse and longitudinal waves.Understand that waves have several different characteristics. Briefly define the following wave characteristics:- amplitude- wavelength- frequencyExplain that reflection occurs when a wave bounces back after striking something.Understand that an echo involves the reflection of sound waves, whereas a mirror reflects light waves.Describe refraction as the process of light changing direction, or bending, when it passes from one medium to another.