Exploring Earth, Sun, and Moon: Earth in Space

4th Grade - 11th Grade
Exploring Earth, Sun, and Moon: Earth in Space
Visual Learning Systems
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Science Resource Description

Upon viewing the Exploring Earth, Sun, and Moon video series, students will be able to do the following:Cite some of the characteristics of Earth which make it unique in our solar system, including: Earth's moderate temperature, the abundance of liquid water, and the presence of oxygen in the atmosphere.Define gravity as the force of attraction between two objects in space. Also, state that gravity is the force which pulls objects toward the center of Earth.Understand that the force of gravity holds Earth and the other planets in orbit around the sun.State the importance of the sun, and the fact that life as we know it depends on the sun.Explain that the sun is made up of very hot gases with temperatures in the millions of degrees.State some of the characteristics of the moon including the fact that it is about 1/4 the size of Earth's diameter, has a dusty surface with plains and mountains, and has great temperature fluctuations.Understand that the moon does not generate its own light, but instead reflects light from the sun to Earth.Explain why the moon appears to have different shapes throughout the course of the month.Identify the following phases of the moon: new moon, first quarter, full moon, and third quarter.Differentiate between the processes of waxing and waning.Create separate diagrams of a lunar eclipse and a solar eclipse. In each diagram label the sun, Earth, moon, and shadow.Explain that tides involve the regular rise and fall of ocean levels about every 121/2 hours.Understand that the gravitational interaction of the moon and Earth is responsible for the tides.