Stars and Galaxies: Video Assessment

4th Grade - 11th Grade
Stars and Galaxies: Video Assessment
Visual Learning Systems
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Science Resource Description

Upon viewing the Stars and Galaxies video series, students will be able to do the following:Explain that our solar system is part of the Milky Way galaxy.Understand that the Milky Way galaxy is huge and contains billions of stars.Define universe as consisting of all the galaxies, matter, time, and energy in space.Explain that astronomy is the study of space.List some of the tools astronomers use to help them study space, including telescopes and spacecrafts.Explain that the sun is our nearest star and is the center of the solar system, around which the planets revolve.Understand that chemical reactions within stars give off large amounts of heat energy, as well as light energy.Define a light-year as the amount of distance light travels in one year (about 9.5 trillion kilometers).Understand that large distances in space are measured in light-years.Understand that astronomers use star size, color, and brightness to help classify the wide variety of stars.Explain that the life cycle of a star includes birth, growing older, and death.Understand that stars possess different characteristics depending on their life cycle stage.Explain what constellations are, and provide an example of a common constellation.