Which animals live underground, on the ground and in trees?

1st Grade
Which animals live underground, on the ground and in trees? - Presentation
Which animals live underground, on the ground and in trees? - Teacher notes
Animals that live underground - Notes table
Animals that live underground but are seen above ground - Notes table
Choose your own animal - Fact file
Tiger fact file - Worksheet
Elephants fact file  - Worksheet
Giraffe fact file - Worksheet
Snake fact file  - Worksheet
Which animals live underground, on the ground and in trees? - Presentation
Resource 1/9
Which animals live underground, on the ground and in trees? - Presentation
Focus Education
Focus Education

Science Lesson Description

1st Grade Science lesson from the unit Habitats. This lesson uses an enquiry-approach method, and will facilitate students answering the question 'Which animals live underground, on the ground and in trees?'
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