Why Some People Just Can’t Sing Well, No Matter How Hard They Try!

6th Grade - 11th Grade
Why Some People Just Can’t Sing Well, No Matter How Hard They Try!
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Science Resource Description

The element that causes some people to sing well and others to sing badly are problems with pitch accuracy, also known as intonation. Pitch can be understood as the ‘sharpness’ of a voice; the higher the pitch, the sharper and shriller the voice sounds.Although it is quite difficult to define the boundaries of “good singing,” since “good singing” cannot be the same for you and your friends, good singing can be scientifically distinguished from bad singing. If you are a bad singer, this means that you are lacking in one or more of these areas; timing (the ability to keep time in the music), note memory, and pitch accuracy.It has been observed that the majority of people are quite decent when it comes to the memory and timing of notes. Regardless of whether one is trained in singing or not, most people would be able to identify the song you are singing, even if you are not singing particularly well. This is undeniable proof of the ability to memorize notes