Seaside & Under the Sea Level: Key Stage 1 - Cross-curricular activities

Kindergarten - 1st Grade
Music Playtime
Music Playtime

Music Lesson Description


This is the most brilliant activity - you have to do it! You need:

  • One large, real parachute
  • One 'treasure chest'
  • 'treasure' to go in the treasure chest

Fill the treasure chest with different kinds of treasure, for example, sea shells, costume jewellery and gold coins.

Spread the parachute out along the floor, making sure that it covers the treasure chest underneath it, in the centre.

Have each child hold onto a piece on the parachute and lift it up and down to make waves.

Assign so many children at a time the role of divers and ask them to dive for different objects, for example, 'Divers, dive for something that is round' or, 'Divers, dive for something that is blue'.

Make sure that all the children have had a turn at being a diver before the game ends.

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