Gardens & Growing Level: Early Grades - Cross-curricular activities

Peter Rabbit - Video
Resource 1/2
Music Playtime
Music Playtime

Peter Rabbit (social studies link)

Who's up for a bit of nostalgia? There are lots of Peter Rabbit animations but somehow I think that this simple, old-fashioned reading encapsulates the era in which the Tale of Peter Rabbit was written in 1902 by Beatrix Potter. Because it's not animated, the children have to listen more carefully. The story depicts a traditional vegetable garden of the sort that many children will not have seen unless they live in a rural area or near an allotment.

What to do next

Rabbit Dance

The children could do a bunny-hopping Peter Rabbit dance to the music at the beginning. Here's a short clip of the music:

Sow Seeds like Mr MacGregor!

This is a fascinating thing for children to do. All you need is moist cotton wool and some bean seeds, which will grow shoots easily so that the children can see both the roots and the shoots.

Beans Growing