Gardens & Growing Level: Early Grades - Listening, appraising & movement

Frosty gardens (dynamics, pitch) - Song
Resource 1/1
Music Playtime
Music Playtime

Frosty Gardens (dynamics, pitch)

If it's a cold winter's day, you could take the children outside to look for signs of frost, particularly if the school or nursery has a garden. This music is called Frost, by the composer, Glazunov. Ask the children to imagine what might be happening in the music on this freezing day - I can imagine children whizzing down home-made slides on the ice (we used to get into trouble, as children, for making slides in the middle of our lane!).

Frost Dancing (dynamics, pitch)

Children enjoy using dance scarves and having a floaty scarf can be a great help to children to whom dancing freely doesn't seem to come naturally. Ask the children to show with their scarf how the music gets louder and quieter, and higher and lower.