Chinese New Year Level: Key Stage 1 - Cross-curricular activities

Kindergarten - 1st Grade
Music Playtime
Music Playtime

Chinese Lanterns (art link)

Each child needs:

  • a sheet of colored paper, A4 size
  • jewel shapes
  • safety scissors
  • glue
  • one strip of paper for the handle

First the children fold the paper in half. They cut strips, around 1cm apart, along the folded edge and stick the jewels round the edge. Next, the paper is opened out and rolled it into a cylinder, which is fastened with glue down the edge. Finally, the teacher staples on the paper strip to form a handle (this could be stuck but it's not as firm a solution). A collection of lanterns makes a great display!

A pretty variation is to use white paper instead, with black wax crayons and finger paints - first the children draw a tree using a black crayon, then they dab on the blossom using finger paints.

Chinese Lantern Jewel