Comparing and Ordering Numbers Up to 100 - Worksheet

1st Grade
Comparing and Ordering Numbers Up to 100 - Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

Math Resource Description

Comparing and Ordering Numbers Up to 100 - 1st Grade 1st Grade maths programme of study - Number (number and place value): compare and order numbers from 0 to 100: use <, > and + signs recognise the place value of each digit in a two-digit number (tens and ones) In this maths teaching resource, pupils practise comparing and ordering numbers up to 100 and begin to use the >, < and = signs as per the curriculum objectives of the maths. 1st Grade Programme of Study (Number and Place Value). 'Comparing and Ordering Numbers Up to 100 - 1st Grade' is a colorful and animated 28 slide PowerPoint presentation that includes: interactive activities with accompanying worksheets to use during the lesson or separately and 2 further differentiated worksheets with answers
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