What are the critical points of a sine and cosine graph

4th Grade - 11th Grade
What are the critical points of a sine and cosine graph
Brian McLogan
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Math Resource Description

👉 Learn the basics to graphing sine and cosine functions. The sine graph is a sinusiodal graph with x-intercepts at x = 2n*pi, maximun value of 1 at x = pi/2 + 2n*pi and minimum value of -1 at x = -pi/2 + 2n*pi. The cosine graph is a sinusiodal graph with x-intercepts at x = n*pi/2, maximum value of 1 at x = 2n*pi and minimum value of -1 at x = (2n - 1)pi. To graph the sine and the cosine graph, we plot the above points on the x-y coordinate plane and graph accordingly. After we have graphed the parent graph, we then apply the required transformations to the sine/cosine graph. The amplitude is the maximum point on the graph, the period is the distance/time for a complete oscillation, the phase shift is the horizontal shift from the parent function, the vertical shift is the vertical shift from the parent function.