What do we mean by the term 'industrial revolution'?

1st Grade
What do we mean by the term 'industrial revolution'? - Presentation
What do we mean by the term 'industrial revolution'? - Teacher notes
The Industrial Revolution and its importance to us all - Worksheet
Important changes during the Industrial Revolution - Info pack
Important changes during the Industrial Revolution - Worksheet
Main inventions in the UK during the Industrial Revolution - Info sheet
Main inventions in the UK during the Industrial Revolution - Research task
What do we mean by the term 'industrial revolution'? - Presentation
Resource 1/7
What do we mean by the term 'industrial revolution'? - Presentation
Focus Education
Focus Education

History Lesson Description

1st Grade History lesson from the unit Victorians. This lesson uses an enquiry-approach method, and will facilitate students answering the question 'What do we mean by the term 'industrial revolution'?'
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