The Economy of The Star Wars Galaxy

Government and Politics
6th Grade - 11th Grade
The Economy of The Star Wars Galaxy
Economics Explained
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Government and Politics Resource Description

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away. The star wars universe centered in this galaxy has of course been the center of many stories filled with action intrigue and mindless cash grabs for toy licensing, but it is also home to an amazingly developed economy.No fictional universe that I know of has the level of depth that the star wars universe has garnered, from the movies, the games, the books, and even the fan fiction it has all built a surprisingly tangible reality in this fictional universe. A large part of that reality is the surprisingly realistic economy that has been fleshed out in the narrative of the star wars universe. The economics of galactic trade and military spending is a long way from the center of the stories but it is still a foundation that whether intended or not gives an added layer of realism to a science-fiction franchise about space wizards.