What are the USA's key features, including human and physical features?

5th Grade
What are the USA's key features, including human and physical features? - Presentation
What are the USA's key features, including human and physical features? - Teacher notes
Locate on a map - States of the USA
Locate on a map - Rivers of the USA
Locate on a map - Mountain regions of the USA
Longitude and latitude - USA
Five things I know about longitude and latitude - Worksheet
The tropics and the Greenwich Meridian - Writing task
Geographical features of USA cities - Worksheet
What I understand about time zones - Worksheet
Time zones in the USA
What are the USA's key features, including human and physical features? - Presentation
Resource 1/11
What are the USA's key features, including human and physical features? - Presentation
Focus Education
Focus Education

Geography Lesson Description

5th Grade Geography lesson from the unit North America. This lesson uses an enquiry-approach method, and will facilitate students answering the question 'What are the USA's key features, including human and physical features?'
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